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Add Listing

HOW IT WORKS (Claim Listings)

As a business owner, you can claim your main listing (or create your listing) for the very minimal price per month. If you need additional listings, there is a small monthly cost per listing. You will also be given the option to upgrade to one of our premium plans that will give you more benefits and additional exposure for your business listing(s).

Claim your business

Step 1: Find your business

In the search box above, select the appropriate niche (like Plumbers), or choose All Niches if your niche is not there. You can also enter part of your business name or address in the second field to narrow down the search results. Then press SEARCH. Optionally, you can click here to view all the listings:


Scroll through the businesses until you locate your listing. [If your business is not listed, go to Create your listing below.]


Step 2: Claim your business

Click on the CLAIM-BUSINESS link in your listing.


Step 3: Fill in your information to create your account, and click the Sign Up button.

Step 4: Select your plan

You can choose the Basic “Claim” Plan (just claiming your listing), or select the Silver or Platinum Plan, depending on the benefits and features you wish to have access to. Features are shown in the chart.


Step 5:Select Payment Method and enter your payment details

Create your listing

When your business is not already listed in the directory for you to claim, you will follow these steps:

Step 1: Register your businessClick the Register link at the top of the screen.
Step 3 and Step 4 and Step 5: Fill in your information to create your account, Select your payment method and fill in your payment details (refer to images for Claiming a business, above).